Edmund Li.

Edmund Li, PA-C

Primary Care

Offers virtual appointments
Primary Care Provider
Edmund's Corner

“I am a strong believer that preventive medicine can help you live the best life you are meant to have.”

Biography / Experience

Edmund Li, PA-C, practiced in orthopedics for a year before transitioning into full-time primary care at a community health center. While working in primary care, he continued to work part time in orthopedics as a first assistant, performing total hip and knee replacements and treating degenerative joint disease within the geriatric population.


University of Bridgeport, Master of Science Physician Assistant

Healthy Habits

Hiking, exploring other countries, and experiencing a wide variety of cultures. 

Location Information

2131 Irving St

San Francisco, CA 941221609

+1 (415) 404-3165


Accepts most insurance plans. Please call your insurance company for specific information regarding your benefits.

Get treated right from your phone.

Available in the App Store and Google Play
  • Book same-day appointments
  • Talk to a provider in real time
  • Get care from the comfort of home
  • Most insurance accepted
An illustration of a mobile phone during a virtual appointment with a Carbon Health provider, who is smiling.

Insurance and pricing

We accept most major insurance plans. No subscriptions or membership fees.

Contact your insurance company to check your coverage.

Learn more
We accept AARP, United Healthcare, Blue Shield of California and many more. Easily scan your insurance card in our mobile app.