Stay Safe and Healthy This Election Day

Justin Young, MD
October 6, 2020
3 min read

What are you doing Tuesday, November 3rd? Voting, right?! At Carbon Health we’re dedicated to caring for our communities and public health is a top priority. Whether you’re mailing in your ballot ahead of time or voting in-person at the polls, follow these tips to stay safe while doing your civic duty.

Your Pre-Election Day Checklist:

  • Register to vote, ensuring you meet your state’s deadline for registration.
  • Plan ahead. It’s critical to know if the virus is spreading in your local area when you’re about to go to the polls.
  • Stay safe!
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Voting by Mail is the Safest Way to Go

Mail-in voting is the safest way to avoid long lines and minimize potential exposure to COVID-19.

  • Apply for a mail-in ballot ASAP. (In California they are already mailed to you).
  • Drop your ballot in the mail as early as possible. Check your state’s deadlines for mail-in ballots on
  • Make sure your signature matches your driver’s license, or your signature on file with state records.
  • Worried about mail delays? Drop your ballot off at a designated polling place on election day.
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Don’t Forget!

Forgetting these simple things could get your mail-in or absentee ballot disqualified. Be sure to double check before you put your ballot in the mail.

  • Using the wrong pen color. Be sure you only write in your responses in BLACK or BLUE ink.
  • Not signing your envelope can lead to a disqualification.
  • Not including all the required documents. Check and double-check to make sure you got everything!
  • Sending it in too late. Don’t procrastinate on getting your ballot in the mailbox ASAP!
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Voting Safely at the Polls

If you’re going to vote in person Election Day, plan ahead and come prepared so everyone stays safe.

  • Plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time.
  • Maintain social distance and follow signs and directions while waiting in line.
  • Wear your mask at all times and bring hand sanitizer.

Think About Volunteering

COVID-19 is making it harder for vulnerable populations like the elderly to get out and volunteer at the polls this year. If you are in good health, consider volunteering as a poll worker this year. They need your help!

Voting impacts all of us…and our health!

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Justin Young, MD

Justin Young, MD, is a doctor and clinician manager at Carbon Health. Based in Los Angeles, he is also an aspiring filmmaker, who enjoys writing and travel.
